ADHS Customer Feedback
Welcome to the Arizona Department of Health Services’ Customer Feedback Forum. Please submit your feedback below. We strive to deliver the best resources and services possible and look forward to hearing from you!
2456 results found
Please date the box that says "New Covid-19 deaths reported today.
Often the data is not updated and what is reported as "today" is actually yesterday.
1 vote -
Define “Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Day”
Your Pima County case count totals don’t add up. As of 5/28/2020, the website lists 202,914 PCR tests with 6.6% positive (13,392), and 84,691 Serology tests with 3.0% positive (2,540). This gives a combined test total of approximately 15,932. However, the website lists a total of 17,763 confirmed cases. So, even combining the PCT and Serology tests gives a shortfall of 1,831 cases. How do you account for the missing confirmed cases? Are you combining Serology and PCT test in the "Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Day" and "Number of Cases" results? Why? Please explain your methodology for determining total confirmed…
3 votes -
Daily Hospitalization Dramatic Increase - Why
Quite suddenly, published daily hospitalization counts dramatically increased, across all days tracked, back to early March, in some cases more than doubling. What is the cause of this?
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You need someone monitoring your data daily
Hire someone to monitor and track this data daily.
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Display the number of ICU beds created per day for COVID-19 patients.
The state keeps on adding intensive care unit (ICU) beds to handle the COVID-19 surge. Please add the number of beds, with the date added, to your Hospital Bed Usage and Availability dashboard.
4 votes -
Consider revising the cloth face mask in light of the recent pub med study
Good Morning!
Considering scientific data showing that, based on viral particle size, a cloth face mask is about 3% effective against blocking transmission and looking at the study showing that wearing a cloth face mask increased influenza infection rates 13x and now seeing the recently released pub med article regarding asymptomatic spreading of COVID, I would like to know if the cloth mask recommendation will be revised.
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Give COVID 19 by zip code easer
The map is not user friendly. A list of COVID 19 in ascending order by zip code.
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I would like to see the amount of people recovered.
Please list the amount of people that have recovered from the coronavirus.
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where are statistics of the ratio between covid 19 test/over total state population, etc.
the ratio between covid 19 test/over total state population, etc.
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How many deaths in nursing homes, long term care, “other”. Would love to see that data.
Show how deaths in long term care, nursing homes, “other”. That data should be out their. There are matches for this, why can’t I see this or figure out how?
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Hospital COVID-like & Influenza-likeness Surveillance
Hospital COVID-like & Influenza-likeness Surveillance line graph has not been updated since 5/17. Please update
4 votes -
The no. in hospital minus disch/death subtracted from no. in hosp. plus new admits should equal total number in hospital. It doesn't.
ON coronavirus keep accurate numbers for hospitalization.
1 vote -
Need the authorized app for the iPhone COVID -19 Exposure Logging
The new iOS 13.5 Contains COVID-19 Exposure Logging will alert me if I came in close contact with another iPhone user that has tested positive. It requires an authorized app from your department. Please produce and notify me of such an app. While this procedure is not without its deficits, it is better than nothing in the absence of the availability of daily testings.
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11-day moving total
A recent study showed that people cease being contagious after 11 days since onset of symptoms. Therefore I would like to see a moving total of new cases covering the previous 11 days (for the tucson area and for Pima county). A daily graph would meaningfully reflect the current danger and the trend in the danger.
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1 vote
Treat our licenses with care & ship them properly
You just had a HUGE increase in the fees to renew my Radiation Therapist license. The least that your office could do is send my license in a way that protects it during mailing. A plain manila envelope doesn't cut it. It was not even marked "Do Not Bend"! Postal service folded it up to fit my mailbox. I have to display this in my office and it should arrive in perfect condition. These should be sent in a rigid, cardboard mailer that says "Do Not Bend" on it.
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Data on new cases by date by county do not reconcile
The data on your chart reporting new cases by date do not reconcile with totals or data reported by other sources. For example, new cases reported on 5-17 show a total of 95 for the State, vs. total reported by NYT and others show new cases of 309 for that date. Also, county by county totals on the graph do not tally with a sum of County data on the graph for all dates. When data fails to reconcile across various subtotals it undermines the credibility of the reporting.
2 votes -
Is it possible to not only give the number of new tests, but also the number of repeat tests on the same people (example patient A had a test, then a week later Patient A had another test, which counts as two, but is only one person tested.)
3 votes -
Emergency Hospital Beds in 30 Days
Guys, This link indicates you gonna run out of ICU beds in a month:
Probably faster because the news cycle is getting bored with C19 giving the false impression that we are past this.
You need an extreme plan. I don't know; tented facilities up north out of the heat? Flood the Salt and send up a Hospital Ship? I say that as a joke but there seriously needs some out of the box thinking. It doesn't have to be pretty but it needs to work.
I know you guys are smart and have a plan. Please share it…
1 vote -
For the Governor to define pool operations for condominium/townhouse communities.
HOA counsel is advising for the community pools to remain closed based off the Governor's executive order 2020-36. Legal counsel is interpreting the executive order that the swimming pool of a condominiium or townhouse community falls under business. Hence the criteria of a business pool can not be met, and the swimming pool remains closed. I do not believe this is the governor's intention, and needs resolved as we approach the summer months.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?