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ADHS Customer Feedback

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2459 results found

  1. Zip Code Map Covid, increase diversity of categories please

    On the zipcode map, you have ranges in groupings of tens, but past 40 there is just one range...40+

    In my zipcode there are 120-ish cases, in my mother's neighborhood she has 41. On the display they show as the same.

    Being able to visualize that my neighborhood is 3 times more infected then my mom's neighborhood would be helpful. Thank you.

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  2. Please enable WIC program to be used for grocery pick-up

    There are lots of family on the WIC program who are struggling with social distancing during this time. Stay home and safe without the benefit of WIC or get groceries, usually with children in tow, and risking public and self health. We're are doing everything we can to protect our families. Being able to order for curbside pick up with WIC will help out tremendously for the public health and emotional health of the families juggling the risks in everything we do now.

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  4. Inconsistencies with Other Data Sources

    Data from ADHS on Covid-19 Deaths, Cases, etc. does not match data from CDC, USAFacts, PolicyMap, NYTimes and other providers/publishers and re-publishers of data for Arizona. Is there someway for researchers to resolve the inconsistencies? (Perhaps a methodological difference that might explain these issues.)

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  5. Count of Total Deaths is not equal to the Deaths on Deaths by Day Chart

    There are 4 deaths missing on the deaths by day chart when compared to the total deaths statistic. This error has existed for more than 1 week.

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. COVID-19 cases by race/ethnicity need to be normalized, as well as % total

    Use census population for each race/ethnicity category as the base for % cases among each category

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  8. The dashboard icons for zip code do not work.

    I am trying to open the zip code map, but the icon will not open the page. I have tried it on my Windows 10 laptop, iPad, and Android phone. It does not work on any of them.

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Zip code level recoveries and deaths covid-19 dashboard

    Citizens need current understanding of risk at their zip code level. Total cases along is an aging variables which needs the clarity of who has recovered or died so a truer picture of risk at the zip code level is available to every citizen in Arizona - by the way I am an citizen scientist in New Mexico with family in Arizona, Sc.M. Biostatistics

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  11. allow death rates to be seen in the bar graph for individual counties.

    The covid-19 deaths page does not allow you to see the deaths for individual counties over time. The confirmed cases chart does allow you to click/highlight a county and see the cases over time in the bar graph. it would be likewise good to see the deaths over time in the bar graph when highlighting a particular county. Thank you.

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  12. Hospital COVID-like & Influenza-like illness Surveillance has not been updated since May 10

    Please update the data from May 10 forward. Cases are rising, ventilator and hospital bed use is not declining... but the symptom data is not up to date,

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  13. Show daily positive rate on tests, not just cumulative rate?

    Are New Tests Reported Today directly comparable to the New Cases Today? That is if 100 new tests are reported and there are two new cases is that a 2% positive rate? If not, is there a way to make this data available?

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  14. Congregate settings

    What is the point of showing the number of congregate locations without the number of cases and number of deaths in those locations? This is very important information for the public to have.

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  15. COVID19 Suggestion

    My name is Valerie. I have a suggestion for a possible solution for COVID19. Since UV light kills the Coronavirus I was thinking that during blood transfusions we could shine a UV light on the blood and it could kill the virus. That is my idea.

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  16. Why is data inconsistent with that reported at IHME

    COVID-19 data shown here is inconsistent with that reported here:

    I would like to know why. According to the data on IHME AZ had 32 deaths reported on May 8, 2020 - your data graph shows 21, IHME shows 31 on May 14, 2020 - your data shows 7! Those are just two examples.

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  17. Does "Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Day" include antibody tests? Or just PCR tests? Please clarify.

    Does "Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Day" include antibody tests? Or just PCR tests? Please clarify.

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  18. Testing Site

    We would like to become a testing site for COVID-19. We have a massive parking lot and lots of space.

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  19. 5 votes

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  20. Increase testing

    With just over 200,000 is pretty poor with our states population, Increase the daily number to a min of 10,000 per day and as our President says anyone who wants a test should be able to get it.

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