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ADHS Customer Feedback

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2459 results found

  1. Daily Rate Bar graph

    What happened to the nice bar graph showing daily case rates? I hate it when they make something better by making it worse.

    Do you know how to view the daily rates bar graph? Am I missing it or did they get rid of it?

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  2. Publish previous year dashboard i.e. T/Y vs L/Y

    That way we can compare all categories since covid is currently lumped in this years numbers and one is not able determine relativity of covid to other illnesses.

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  3. suggestion?!

    I cannot get in to apply or check my status! I am IN PAIN! H...E...L...P!

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  4. I will not comply with any orders to wear masks

    Masks are very dangerous to my health. I will report any orders to the Department of Justice,such demands are according to the ADA and HIPPA rights violations. Enforcement is punishable by fines.

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  5. Timely Site Update for Coronavirus Home Page

    Serious times mean serious actions, really last update on the Home page is from May 12th and AZ is now being reported as having the highest rate of positive cases. Not the idea source of valuable information for the public safety!!! Ducey Fail!!!

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. Breakdown of residential vs facilities ( ie Nursing Facilities, Prisons, Care Center )

    More testing will lead to more positive cases, this is a given. But these high dense areas are giving misleading stats. Inflated and deflated... I find the states position of if you get sick we'll take care of you ... is NOT Protecting our communities.

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. When appearing before the public wear face coverings. You cannot seriously support CDC guidelines without practicing them.

    All medical/scientific information I have seen, read and heard indicates. The effectiveness of face coverings. Where's yours? If not wearing it, have it conspicuous so we believe you. In your TV PSA to combat the virus you tell us to Wash our Hands, but no mention of face coverings. Today is my 75th birthday; I have diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, and am obese, and I wear a mask to protect everyone else. It offends me when others don't wear masks.

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  10. You should present graphs about COVID-19 instead of daily numbers.

    I teach my High School Biology students the difference between data and evidence. You are presenting data which is meaningless outside the context. A graph provides evidence of a trend.

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. COVID Dashboard performance

    reduce the number of dashboards you are loading on each page; likely not looking at all of them at once and should reduce burden on Tableau server

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  13. Covid-19 dashboard has CORS errors

    You're getting CORS errors on your new Covid-19 data dashboard. Please rollback.

    Then allow cross origin requests from on the site before re-deploying the new dashboard.

    Console error messages:

    classicwidget?mode=feedback&linkcolor=B92928&forumid=120045&primarycolor=666666&triggerbackgroundcolor=B92928&embedtype=lightbox&triggermethod=pin&contactenabled=false&feedbackenabled=true&strings=e30%3D& Access to script at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

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  14. Resume Graphing New Covid Cases

    I appreciate the work done for keeping the public up to date on our situation here in Arizona. The website is set up with easy to find data unlike some other states where you have search for their Covid information.

    Please resume graphing the relevant information that needs to be tracked for the Governor to decide the Phases for reducing the shelter in place restrictions.

    Dr. Birx referenced the Florida Dept of Health Data Dashboard as the standard. Could we get closer to that with our reporting?

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  15. Covid Dashboard: EM Resources Beds and Ventilator Beds

    I have found these dashboards created by AZDHS very helpful. A suggestion on two of the most recent dashboards: EM Resources Beds and Ventilator Beds. These two dashboards show percentage of capacity of these resources, and these visualizations show the capacity over time. But the capacity of these resources themselves have changed over time to meet needs. For example, the number of beds reserved for Inpatient, EM, and ICU, along with the supply of Ventilators has increased over time. This additional information would help in the understanding how the capacity of our health system itself had changed/adapted.

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  16. What happened to the graph showing new covid cases by day?

    whose idea was it to get rid of the day to day graph showing covid cases?
    It was the best indicater of the spread!
    Keep collecting those government salaries with all that paid time off.

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. Wear a face mask commercial PLEASE

    Please replace your hand washing PSA with a Wear A Mask in Public PSA. Too darn many are NOT following this CDC guidance and placing many lives at risk.

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  19. Comparison to previous year or time period

    In looking at items such as hospital bed usage or ventilator or ILI data there is no basis for comparison to previous years. Add a toggle for 2019/graphs/ stats.

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  20. need new card

    cant renew is this true?

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