Daily covid-19 death chart
The covid-19 daily death chart is not consistent with what the actual data given for that day. For April 22 and 23, the number of deaths reported was 21 for each day. The chart published shows 1 death for the 22 and 4 for the 23rd. That gives an impression of a declining death rate when, in fact, it appears to be significantly.
Anonymous commented
Why can’t you get the graph to match the death totals reported? As it stands, you are giving us inaccurate and misleading information. As Arizonans, we expect better of you. If you can’t do it right, hire someone who can.
Sandra Mercer commented
I’ve been watching this also and find it totally baffling. Sadly, makes me very untrusting of the #s. How can we get answers on this?
J. Michael Palermo IV commented
May 15th reported 27 new deaths. The death chart shows 31 new deaths, with 4 dates showing 1 less death - so the adjusted total is 27 as reported. However, the total in the chart is 648. not 651 as reported on summary page.
A reminder that new cases reported daily does not map to the new cases daily chart.
J. Michael Palermo IV commented
Reported new deaths for May 14th is 30. However, I counted only 29 sprinkled in the previous days. Also, the totals in the death chart only add up to 621 (not 624 as reported on site). These discrepancies call into question the validity of how the data is being calculated and managed.
I have also noticed that new cases reported each day are also not aligned with cases chart. The disparity across the site is truly calling into question the trustworthiness of the information.
Anonymous commented
J. Michael Palermo, Thank you for taking the time to track and clarify this question. I think we all suspected this was the case. As with all things, we are going to get through this covid crisis by working together as individuals, not waiting on the government for answers
J. Michael Palermo IV commented
I also reported on this issue. I started to keep track of the deltas for each day. For example, today (May 13th) the site reported 32 new deaths. They were distributed as follows:
April: 3rd (-1) : 10th +1 : 20th +1 : 25th +2 : 27th +1 : 29th +1 : 30th +2
May: 1st +1 : 3rd +1 : 4th +3 : 5th +3 : 6th +3 : 7th + 5 : 8th +6 : 9th +1 : 10th +1 : 11th +1Note: April 3rd showed one less death.
While it may be understandable that there are adjustments to process, as the days progress, the new numbers should be relatively close to the date reported moving forward. I will continue to keep track of this.
Anonymous commented
The daily data includes past death certificate counts that appear to have Covid-19 as a contributing factor.
mike commented
Well it looks like these 67 deaths were from various days in the past and lumped in here
on May 7. 67 people did not die yesterday. Very misleading. This information needs to
be vetted better or explained, as people see this spike and get alarmed.
Evidently the deaths are added on the graph to the actual date they happened, so that is
why May 7 says 1 death. and the 66 other deaths are sprinkled in the prior days.
And I sure hope people that are dying of cancer, heart disease, Overdose, Suicide,
lung disiese, stroke, heart attack, are not being thrown in these figures just because they
had a positive test for COVID, but the true cause of death was one of the above listed items.
People don't seem to die anymore unless Corona. Kind of strange. -
mike commented
Today shows 67 deaths for May 7. But chart only shows 1 death. 67 dead in one day
when normal rate has been -0- to 30. Where are all these deaths? How can hospitialztions
be down, and all of a sudden on a Wednesday a sudden spike to 67 dead. Makes no sense.
Who ever puts in these numbers to the web site needs to be monitored.
Obviously nobody is reading these comments because the numbers have not matched the
graphs since day one. -
anonymous commented
I have been seeing this as well. I have been recording the numbers reported here every day since march 23rd and the graph seems entirely misleading. Even accounting for 35 of today's 67 deaths being from various days in April, that still leaves 32. (m-f reported death numbers 0, 33, 31, 24, 67)
Anonymous commented
Did AZDHS ever respond here. I assume the daily reported deaths, mean the gross number reported that could have occurred the previous day or any day over the last 2 months. If 10 additional deaths reported occurred on 4/3 are reported on 5/7, I assume these deaths are then updated on the 4/3 total, but are part of the 67 "reported" on 5/7. Is this correct? Everyone is trying to follow the trend in deaths, the lack of clarify between the trend graph and the "Reported" deaths yesterday, call into if the trend data is accurate. Please clarify
Janet Senf commented
I’ve been watching the same thing. What is going on? Has anyone from the AZDHS responded?
Amelia Natoli commented
I said the same thing. Are deaths reported and deaths per day two different statistics? This needs to be clarified. Should I assume deaths reported for the day can include any date in the past month or so? What is this telling us?
Anonymous commented
Like to find new deaths charted for everyday - find easily?
Anonymous commented
I agree, this needs to be fixed, the graph is completely wrong and misleading.
Anonymous commented
I agree daily death and chart numbers do not correspond, so this is confusing.