ADHS Customer Feedback
Welcome to the Arizona Department of Health Services’ Customer Feedback Forum. Please submit your feedback below. We strive to deliver the best resources and services possible and look forward to hearing from you!
2459 results found
I'd like to see the average number of deaths compared with the current number of deaths. That difference in number would be those that died
I'd like to see the average number of deaths compared with the current number of deaths. That difference in number would be those that died from the virus, those that didn't seek medical help because of the virus, those that died of something else, but covid complicated matters, etc. Break out all those numbers, and let people see that data. Right now, people are parsing the data and they don't know what they are doing. If you lay it out, with a confidence level in your analysis, at least we'd have a general number to work from. I'm sure you'd…
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(Covid Database) Question about daily death total discrepancies
Why do the daily bar graph death totals not agree with the summary box "number of new deaths" totals"? Thank you!
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Stats of number of deaths from Jan 2020-July 2020? All deaths per month including COVID?
Where can I get the number of deaths from Jan 2020-July 2020? All deaths per month including COVID?
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Add one more metric on daily basis: number of new cases per 1 test completed.
Number of new cases per 1 test completed will easy imagine the real level of spreading the disease.
It may be shown in the square with “today new cases” in next line in parentheses.
Or - even better- in “ Confirmed COVID-19
Cases by Day” graph add one more bar with different color to every day - Number of the tests completed.Thank you for the very informative page.
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We need a daily detail of positive cases of Covid-19 instead of a running total
Could the Health Department update Daily Covid-19 cases instead of a running total as some people have recovered.
It seems that this data could easily be done since the Department of health is giving daily updates and the system is in place already.1 vote -
1 vote
Please list recoveries.
Why is the number of recoveries not reported on your dashboard? We are one of the only states that does not report recoveries vs active cases.
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Statistics ib Covid virus
I've just read an article on the Administration's request for hospitals to stop sending statistics to the CDC on the COVID19 virus. I believe that you all influence this request at the very least to send it to Both, not just the administration. The public must know what is going on in order to prevent the spread. I am a pharmacist and would hope you will assure the public of this. Thanks.
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PROBLEM: The daily death bar graphs don't agree with the daily death totals on the summary page.
Why is this? Thank you!
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pre-registration for surgetesting
it's already 7/16/2020 and no pre-registration information is available. Why? This is so difficult!
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Where is the pre registration for Covid-19 South Mountain
Get the website up and running for God's sake.
People are dying! South Mountain testing July 17th???1 vote -
Why do the graphs not match the summary?
Do you not have the necessary people to update the data dashboard? Why have one if it’s not updated daily? Very disappointed.
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It would be really nice to see hospitalizations per county
Add to the dashboard
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Time to update the choropleth bins again
--Arizona zip codes are mostly maxed out in the highest category again.
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Question: What are the requirements for employers to inform their employees when there are positive Covid 19 cases among the employees?
Someone who works for a company in Tucson found out that there are at least two employees with Covid 19, but the other employees were not informed. How can you get control of this virus if employers are keeping this information from their employees?
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Faster timing for Test results
Its all good that you tell us how many test are being done - what about getting those results done in a more timely manner. It has been 7 days since my husband & I tested and still do not have our results back.
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1 vote
free facemask
when can get facemask
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?