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2459 results found

  1. How do I get my medical marijuana card?

    I have been approved by a licensed physician. I am in constant pain from an inoperable bone spur growing into the nerve in my neck.

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  2. The online qualified adult patient form will not load

    when will the online form be available to obtain license?

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  3. Location coupled with co-morbidities information

    Under Covid deaths have the deaths broken down by location. Specifically, how many people are dying from Covid and live in skilled nursing/long-term/assisted living situations.
    Also include presence of co-morbidities in these numbers as well.

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  4. Pritnable document

    Make your summary a printable document...

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  8. question

    how can there be a spike in cases/deaths and no spike in hospitalizations? how can there be a 50% rate of unknown status on hospitalization? we are in the midst of a major pandemic and you folks still are missing vital information. no excuse for that.

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  10. why has the death count from as far as 2 weeks changed from one day to the next?

    why has the death count from as far as 2 weeks changed from one day to the next? Would also like age broken down more specific. Rather than 65+, have 65-74, 75-85, etc

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  11. help an assistance!

    im a D.A. with Herbal Wellness Center and have been trying to gain access to our portal for patient services....
    Please create window portal for this account ..
    D.A. # 0314803DAYI856798003
    Thank you so much !

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  12. 46,689/532,697 = 8.76% not 7.8%

    46,689/532,697 = 8.76% not 7.8%

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  13. COVID-19 Tests mislabeled as "Cases"

    In the "Laboratory Testing" graphs, there's a section showing All Testing By Age Group. When you hover over each group, it shows numbers indicating "number of cases". I believe that should be "number of tests".
    Adding together those numbers results in the total number of tests reported for Arizona, further indicating that those numbers represent tests and not case.

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  14. Whats going onwith my card?

    Why havent i recieved my card?

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  15. Age groupings in demographics render the data useless


    It's the COVID data... why group < 20, 20-44, 45-54, 55-64, >65? Yes, the 20-44 group is in the lead for cases, but since the group spans 20 years in comparison to 10 years with the rest, wouldn't you expect twice the cases just because of the larger population count? As it is, what conclusions should someone draw from the data as it is presented? Same issue with the Arizona map displaying number of cases by county. Of course Maricopa county has the most cases! It's the most populous! Maricopa county likely also has the highest count of booger…

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  16. Where are the missing tests going?

    I've been collecting data for a personal spreadsheet and the numbers keep changing for data that was reported weeks ago. Why did we at one point have 1208 tests the week of 3/15 and now it's only showing 1202? Overall from 3/1 to date, over 200 hundred tests are now "missing". What happened? Why does the data from more than two months ago change?

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  17. Why aren't the New COVID-19 deaths reported today reflected in the graph?

    I've been watching the daily COVID death dashboard numbers and the graph showing COVID deaths by day and they never match up. The dashboard numbers are WAY higher than the graph numbers. And it doesn't appear to be an update issue: they NEVER get to the daily reported numbers. Are these somehow not the same thing? If so, will the real daily COVID deaths please stand up?

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  19. Scroll speed and response modifications

    Never hijack how my mouse scrolls the window. Turn that **** off now.

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  20. Feedback

    Cream of wheat and hot oatmeal:)

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