ADHS Customer Feedback
Welcome to the Arizona Department of Health Services’ Customer Feedback Forum. Please submit your feedback below. We strive to deliver the best resources and services possible and look forward to hearing from you!
2459 results found
Browser compatibility
Covid19 site does not work on iPad. Safari does not work. Firefox does not work. Duck duck go, does not work. New edge works. Chrome works. Please make it work. We need the information.
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What does the red line represent! What about gray?
The charts for Covid-19 do not tell you what the red line and the grey line represent. Thus they are meaningless.
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Where are you? Start inspecting for donning of required ppe.
People are going to start citing selective enforcement by ADHS as a defense.
Procedural inspections are part of your job. smh.
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As a former statistician in the auto industry, I would suggest going back to utilizing weekly, instead of daily, summaries for charting trends. The daily charts are too variable to be of any use. In fact, as far as I am concerned, they are almost useless.
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Cases by Day - data not correct?
Cases By Day graph has different DATA in this website, compared to latest page in vote -
Hospitalizations in Yavapai County not reliably reported
Hospitalizations in Yavapai County have not been reported since the onset of tracking. Verde Valley Medical Center post COVID-19 patient census each day, yet AZ Dept oof Health Services and Yavapai County report a greatly reduced number. Why is your published reporting so incorrect? Makes no sense to under report- hampers efforts to know the spread.
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News organizations should question hospitalizations in AZ
I wonder if news agencies are looking at hospitalization discrepancies. Yavapai and Coconino are reporting small numbers hospitalized while hospitals are publishing/ reporting large numbers.
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1 vote
close the dog parks
I am concerned that a serious daily transfer of potential Covid19 virus is happening at the dog parks in the Phx metro area. We live near one DP and have observed about 200+ everyday going into the DP with their bare hands touching the metal door/gate latches --2 latches in and 2 latches out. No place/restroom to wash hands. No one wearing gloves or using sanitizer or masks. Very few users are social distancing, sitting at the same picnic table or benches and there is often 20 people inside at one time. This is a place for daily social gathering,…
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Why did you take the actual hospitalizations down? It was 15% Covid occupancy and you removed those. Political?
Post the real numbers of patients in the hospital with covid19.
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Zip Reporting Detail
In zip 85282, cases have increased exponentially. I live in an 85282 senior living development and I'm very concerned. When a case report comes from an institution, why can't you provide the location and number of cases? I understand you have this information.
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COVID Reporting Accuracy - Cases by Zip
Last evening I recorded an 85382 case volume of 98. This morning (4/18) the volume is 94. How is this possible?
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Can’t get to zip code map
Website not very helpful, many complaints about zip code map
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Covid-19 Reporting
Please give the deaths by zip code
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Testing few seniors means deaths from COVID-19 are not accurately counted!
Insufficient testing in every county. No way to know if it will ever be safe to go out. Testing should show DAILY count and results so there is a CURVE to read. Why hide data from citizens? No transparency!
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App sucks on an iPad
Fix it
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Where to get antibody tests
We need to test so that we can get out and open up. Where and when.
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provide a link for reporting covid violations or poor practises
provide a way for the az community to report observations on social distancing. For example how specific grocery stores are managing shoppers and social distancing in their stores. Or other businesses that are open to the public. A resource of good ideas and a mechanism for general feedback from the community.
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add information about infected persons based on employment.
getting people back to work is important. but there also needs to be confidence that this is happening safely. For example can I shop safely at a grocery store, costco, home depot, etc. If grocery store clerks and food handlers are getting sick that will indicate additional safeguards may be required. also will indicate that shopping may not be a safe activity.
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1 vote
- Don't see your idea?