close the dog parks
I am concerned that a serious daily transfer of potential Covid19 virus is happening at the dog parks in the Phx metro area. We live near one DP and have observed about 200+ everyday going into the DP with their bare hands touching the metal door/gate latches --2 latches in and 2 latches out. No place/restroom to wash hands. No one wearing gloves or using sanitizer or masks. Very few users are social distancing, sitting at the same picnic table or benches and there is often 20 people inside at one time. This is a place for daily social gathering, but is not a necessary service and I believe puts our communities at risk. Multiply 200 people daily X about 50+ dog parks across the state and I believe we have a potentially serious Covid contagion transfer occurring. A problem for all of us! Please shut them down temporarily until this pandemic is over.