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  1. health inspections are needed for covid-19 safety protocols

    How I would score grocery store employees in one store today preparing for opening other businesses?- An employee was asked where his mask was(10 for the supervisor, 0 for the employee), he said he forgot to put it back on after working in the back. So, they take them off for hard duties, shipment receiving because it is difficult to breathe. I get that but it still needs to be remedied. He was doing produce(0). Another employee wiping handles of freezer cases, then opening and closing each successive one with his contaminated hand that wasn't decontaminated after touching contaminated handle.…

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  2. Let me choose my language

    This page is in Spanish tonight. I speak English. Can't find a way to change it back to English, which is what it was just a couple hours ago.

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  3. Why are there no BLITZ COVID 19 TESTINGNG SITES in Pinal County please?

    Are there plans for future Covid 19 test sites in Pinal County please? Many residents don't live near anything listed and more don't have transportation.

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  4. Total Percent Positive - why always show 9%?

    Number of cases and number of tests changed every day, but the total percent positive NEVER change! It is always 9%?

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  5. Why is nothing being said about wearing masks in public? I only see it from a month ago, and even then, it was just a suggestion.

    Why is nothing being said about wearing masks in public? I only see it from a month ago, and even then, it was just a suggestion. If AZ wants us to wear masks around other people, then it should be stated as such in the updated orders -- not just to practice social distancing measures.

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  6. 2 votes

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  7. Do the math correctly for COVID.

    For the past 2 days, the percent of positive tests to total tests given has been 10.5% and you keep reporting it as 8%, which is clearly misleading and incorrect.

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  8. Correct math on % positive.

    On your C19 web site dash board summary it states that your % positive rate is 8%. This is incorrect math. It should be 10.5%. 91,737 tested and 9707 positive. 8% would be 7339 positive cases with 91k tested.

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  9. Data from Covid-19 Death graph is Erroneous and Misleading

    As of 5/7 you report 450 deaths. The sum of the daily deaths from your graph is 445. Also you reported 88 new deaths during the period on 5/5-5/7. from the graph of daily deaths you must add all deaths from 4/25 thru 5/6 to achieve this number. That implies your reported deaths are taking up to two weeks to be tallied. That implies the death rate inferred from your graph is significantly less than the actual rate. Moreover your graph is always falsely showing a decreasing death rate even when it is obviously increasing. This is very misleading.

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  10. Data visualization graphs need adjusting

    Why would you put deaths by data on a graph that has years on the X axis. This makes the data completely not viewable.

    Bring back the cumulative cases graph. Why is it no longer being offered as a data visualization option?

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  11. Cases by day chart is broken covid19

    The cases by day chart in Safari on an iPad isn’t functioning properly. The horizontal axis is in Years, going back to 2008, Instead of months. So all it displays is one huge stick on the far right above 2020.

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  12. Fix the scale on coronavirus case-by-date charts

    The scale for the coronavirus case-by-date charts is wonky for AZ as a whole and for Maricopa County. All other counties show the scale for 2020 only. Please correct it when possible. This has been a very useful site for me.

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  13. Provide clarifications for your hospital COVID-19 data

    Looking at May 17 data:
    Number of cases hospitalized is 1699. Is this the total currently hospitalized or the cumulative number that have been hospitalized?
    Inpatient COVID-19 patients total is 796. How does this relate to the number of cases hospitalized?
    ICU beds in use for COVID-19 is 337. Is this included in hospitalized or inpatient numbers?
    Inpatient beds in use is 8326 and on March 26 it was 3815. How does this 4511 increase relate to COVID-19 1699 cases hospitalized?

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  14. Does "Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Day" include antibody tests? Or just PCR tests? Please clarify.

    Does "Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Day" include antibody tests? Or just PCR tests? Please clarify.

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  15. Count of Total Deaths is not equal to the Deaths on Deaths by Day Chart

    There are 4 deaths missing on the deaths by day chart when compared to the total deaths statistic. This error has existed for more than 1 week.

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  16. Remove Serology Tests from Total per CDC: COVID-19

    CDC announced today it goofed. Epidemiologists say tests that detect active infection and those that detect recovery (serology tests) should not e combined when reporting total numbers of cases. Please consider correcting your good dashboard numbers. Thank you.

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  17. COVID19 Hospitalization numbers don't add up correctly

    For weeks I have been confused by the hospitlization data being presented and would like an answer on why it isn't adding up. There is a published chart showing COVID19 discharges per day, new hospitalizations, and total hospitalizations. How I would interpret it is that (New hospitalizations)-(Discharges)= Increase/decrease in total hospitalizations.

    Using 06 May for example, there were 27 new hospitalizations - 72 discharged patients = a reduction of 45 total patients hospitalized. However, on 06 May, your data shows an increase in total hospitalized patients. Pretty much everyday for the last 2 weeks has this same "issue" where the…

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  18. Data on new cases by date by county do not reconcile

    The data on your chart reporting new cases by date do not reconcile with totals or data reported by other sources. For example, new cases reported on 5-17 show a total of 95 for the State, vs. total reported by NYT and others show new cases of 309 for that date. Also, county by county totals on the graph do not tally with a sum of County data on the graph for all dates. When data fails to reconcile across various subtotals it undermines the credibility of the reporting.

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  19. Total Hospitalized Cases

    The number of total hospitalized cases does not reconcile with the daily graph.

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  20. COVID Cases by location and DATE

    BECAUSE the risk with Covid is related to ACTIVE cases, the most useful info would be to know where the NEW cases are showing up.

    Seeing ACCUMULATED data by zipcode is worthless for people looking to reduce/assess risk.

    for example if no cases have occurred in my zip or any zip around me for 4 weeks, It's certainly safe to go locally for my needs

    If the active cases are all in Window Rock, then it's safe to go to Wickenburg.

    You KNOW this.

    Share THAT data

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