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ADHS Customer Feedback

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2459 results found

  1. "Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Day Graph" is incorrect.

    I have been keeping track of total # of cases per day posted on your site and calculating the actual # new cases per day. I also check my totals against that site as using your site as the source data. Your "Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Day Graph" is incorrect. Please post useful and correct information in this graph. Apples to applies please on your graphs

    End of Day                                     Total Case #                    New Cases …

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  2. List recovered cases in the COVID 19 cases.

    I would like to know how many recovered cases of COVID 19 cases there are in Arizona. I know the first case at ASU recovered in February but I don't see it listed in the data.

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  3. combining covid pcr tests with serology tests makes no sense.

    mixing this data is confusing and creates an erroneous impression. this confounded by the use of serology testing for antibodies that can have high rates of false positive numbers. Since various labs and testing facilities are using tests produced by misc manufactures and many of these not validated or approved by the fda they should not be used. Additionally serology tests with specificity of less than 100% should be avoided. Additionally your reporting form should include the name and manufacturer of the test, so inaccurate test results can be excluded from analysis.

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  4. Show the graph for daily new cases in addition to the daily new deaths.

    Show the graph for daily new cases in addition to the daily new deaths.

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  5. Is there a way to download the data from a COVID dashboard

    Is there a way to download the data from a COVID dashboard or download the data upload for the day. I haven't been able to find it!


    Micaela Larkin

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  6. COVID19 deaths by day

    could you please provide the deaths by day data similar to the cases by day data

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  7. Covid-19 demographic age groupings

    have a uniform age group distribution for the Covid-19 demographic data. the 20-44 group is a 25 years. then you have 45-54 and 55-64. Those are only 10 years. Especially since the 20-44 group has so many more cases than the others

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  8. Graph Percent Positive Covid-19 Test Results By Day

    Add a graph updated daily with the percent of Covid-19 tests that are positive. This eliminates the potentially misleading variation in the number of new cases. If would be much more useful to the public to see that 1500 new cases would be much more concerning if only 10,000 tests were administered than if there were 100,000 tests given. The more tests, the more cases uncovered (which is good to know).

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  9. Extend expiration date for medical marijuana cards

    do you do the current health crisis is it possible to extend the expiration date of expiring cards for several months to help mitigate our situation

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  10. COVID19 data no longer accessible

    The data behind the graph showing cases of COVID19 can not be accessed anymore. Why has it been removed? Please provide access so future projections can be modeled and lives saved. Thanks

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  11. Make all links work

    When I click on some links, they don't go anywhere. Might be nice if they did.

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  12. allow death rates to be seen in the bar graph for individual counties.

    The covid-19 deaths page does not allow you to see the deaths for individual counties over time. The confirmed cases chart does allow you to click/highlight a county and see the cases over time in the bar graph. it would be likewise good to see the deaths over time in the bar graph when highlighting a particular county. Thank you.

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  13. Covid data reporting

    I really appreciate your website data! I would like to see the CoVid19 data for cases by age group broken out into equal categories, 20-44 is misleading as it is a much larger group: this should be 20-34 and 35-44 to match the other groups being compared. As a result, the data would not appear skewed to affect younger people as it currently shows.

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  14. social distancing guidance for condo community swimming pool

    Our Scottsdale condo pool is current closed. Can we open the pool with proper social distancing guidance at the pool entrance and chairs? Are condo pools closed by order during the stay at home stay connected order? Can you provide guidance for opening our community pool? Thank you

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  15. Data Dashboard for COVID-19 -- I absolutely love it!!!! There is an error.

    The "total percentage positive" box is not calculating as the "Number of
    Cases" & "Number of COVID-19 Tests". Today for example is 6948/67438=10.3%. I am aware of the ** message. Is the message stating that the "total percentage positive" is derived from data, not on the data dashboard? Thanks.

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  16. COVID-19 Deaths by Age Group category average

    In addition to posting just the total number for deaths for each category, it would be helpful to know what the average for that category is. For example, for the data shown on 06/15, there are 903 deaths recorded for 65+. There would be added meaning to know if the average age of that category was 85 versus 72. Or add another category 65-74y and then 75+. Thanks!

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  17. 404s

    All these links are 404's:

    In 2011, the Arizona State Legislature changed the law, A.R.S. 36-136 (H)(4)(g) and A.R.S. 36-136 (H)(13), to allow residents to produce non-potentially hazardous baked and Confectionery products in their homes and to offer them for commercial sale within the state. The topics listed above provide general guidance for this law and information about required food handling permits in each county. The rules of this program are found in Arizona Administrative Code R-9-8-102.

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  18. Mobile site not showing all information.

    Can you make a desktop version link at the bottom of the page for mobile user so we can get all the information not currently Available to Mobile user please I don’t have a computer.

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  19. add recovered column to corona numbers

    can you add a recovered column to your corona virus numbers?

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  20. Positive serology test results should NOT be included in new daily case numbers but have their own category.

    It's unclear if new daily case numbers now include positive serology tests. If serology results are included in the new case numbers, how will new cases ever show a decline if serology testing continues to ramp up? Past exposure is not new infection.

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