does a dna HAVE to be done or can an Order or affidavit of paternity be good enough to get a birth certificate
More of a question instead of a suggestion

Question: Can the Acknowledgment of Paternity be completed and signed by both parents (biological) without doing a DNA test?
Possible Answers: I would prefer to review the birth certificate before giving a general answer because depending on the scenario a “general” response could provide incorrect direction.
• In the case where there is not a father’s name currently listed on the birth record then the answer is no, DNA testing is not necessary.
• If there is a father’s name currently listed on the birth certificate, then DNA testing may be required by the court to confirm the real father before a certified court order of paternity is granted to add the correct father to the birth certificate.
• Another scenario could be that “husband’s information” is listed on the birth certificate. This means the mother was married when she gave birth and her husband is the legally presumed father. To remove this reference on the certificate to add the real father’s name, the mother and father (biological) would complete the Acknowledgment of Paternity form and the mother’s husband at the time would complete the Waiver of Paternity form. In this scenario, both forms must be completed and submitted together.
Both parents should always carefully read and make sure they understand the instruction page and the rights and responsibilities pages of the Acknowledgment of Paternity packet before completing the Acknowledgment of Paternity form.