Daily covid-19 death chart
The covid-19 daily death chart is not consistent with what the actual data given for that day. For April 22 and 23, the number of deaths reported was 21 for each day. The chart published shows 1 death for the 22 and 4 for the 23rd. That gives an impression of a declining death rate when, in fact, it appears to be significantly.

Insure Guardian commented
The observation about daily COVID-19 death charts and the timing of reported numbers is indeed crucial. As mentioned, it's advisable to give the data about a week to stabilize due to the processing algorithms, which can initially present misleading figures. This period allows for adjustments and corrections that are often necessary. Highlighting such fluctuations without context, as often seen in media, can indeed contribute to unnecessary public anxiety. For those looking for more insights into health coverage and insurance topics beyond daily headlines, I recommend visiting https://insureguardian.com/. Our site provides valuable information and resources to help you understand various insurance policies and their benefits, aiding you in making informed decisions during these uncertain times.
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Karla commented
They need to report people that died FROM covid vs people that died WITH covid. It is poor reporting and the news continues to fear monger. There are people that die of other conditions that may have a positive covid test but no symptoms. I wish there was some honesty in the death reporting.
Virginia commented
It takes about a week to go through the deaths that have arrived on any particular day just as JayB below stated. I have seen the deaths reported today at a negative number so there is definitely some kind of algorithm being used. It's best to wait at least a week for the numbers to settle out. Unfortunately, the news uses this death number as well which I find reprehensible as it does invoke more fear when it is not needed.
Jay B commented
I don't work for Dept of Health nor am I a Medical Examiner, but - English is my first language... Little box says "New COVID-19 Deaths Reported Today " REPORTED - again: REPORTED. Doesn't say that many people died today. Some of those may have died today, some yesterday, some three days ago and the information just made it to the Dept today. So then someone has to go into chart and add another number on the actual date of death. Which is why that chart is called "COVID-19 Deaths by DATE OF DEATH". REPORTED TODAY does not equal DEATH TODAY.
Crdavis commented
So this is the issue and where they aren’t being transparent the daily death number gives all deaths reported that day including recategorized death certificates (people who they suspect died from COVID before we were testing and those who died with COVID, A-systematic People who died with but not from COVID are also counted in daily deaths) but the bar graph does show only actual deaths today! It’s dishonest and adds to fear. Look at today 7/30 there are 68 deaths under New COVID-19 Deaths Today but bar graph Shows 2 actual deaths so the other 66 deaths are recategorized example: man drops dead of heart attack later found COVID-19 IN his autopsy so now he is a COVID death or a recategorized death certificate! Very dishonest
Anonymous commented
Today 7/30 you report 68 deaths and 2 actual. I understand you are going back and changing causes of death or that it takes time to get test results when covid tests are run after someone dies. so how about you tell the true number of confirmed deaths each day and then say how many are added to the totals because of lag time. When you do admit to adding due to lag time the numbers still don't add up properly, leading people to assume you are reporting the numbers high for either financial reasons, political reasons or just to scare everyone into compliance.
Anonymous commented
The chart does seem to reflect a down turn yet the number reported each day do not, there is a lag but shouldn't it catch up at some point.
Jay B commented
For all of you continuing to beat this dead horse... please calm down and read - both the charts and the comments below. One number is "Deaths Reported Today" the other is "Deaths by Date of Death". There is lag time to report, compile, and document the data. Both numbers are good points of reference. Trends are more important.
William Ball commented
What on Earth is going on with the Death chart? On July 1 you reported 88 deaths, a new record. It now shows 24 for that day. On July 7 you reported 117 deaths. It now shows 5. Really? From 117 to 5? Somebody is fudging the data. A number of recent days have been reduced by 50 to 90% after the fact. I can understand SMALL corrections, but these "adjustments" are highly suspect.
Anonymous commented
Arizona just posted 117 new deaths. 52 of these were from new processing of death certificates. Might be a good idea to put a note about that on the main page.
Anonymous commented
These charts are so forked up I don't know where to start. FLUNK!
Anonymous commented
Why won't you fix and or explain this problem with the charts--inaccurate information means we can make good decisions--get rid of the chart or fix it. PLEASE!
Anonymous commented
Add the Age Groups demographic to both deaths and new cases by date. See age group trends over time. Is 20-44 age driving case increases in June? Is death rate changing for any age group?
Anonymous commented
still not accurate bar graph does not match numbers reported excellent example 79 people reported dead for new deaths on your dashboard June 24th... Bar graph says two people died… June 23 bar graph says 13 people died actual number reported in dashboard for new deaths on 23 June 49… You need to fix this!
J. Michael Palermo IV commented
For those who want an accurate chart, go here https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/state-timeline/new-deaths/arizona/0
Gerardo O. commented
Any news on this? As we are trying to make decisions, it is critical to know the "trend" and the trend of a graph that cites different numbers than the "daily" one seems not valid.
A prompt response is appreciated. -
Anonymous commented
I did some search on google about the MEDSIS reporting of deaths. A facility can enter data about a person and their classification of how a person died. Then it looks like that once reported as either confirmed or probable then an investigator gets assigned to confirm. This is purely an assumption as I was trying to figure out the actual deaths from the chart. Reported is one thing, but the final number should be the truth after investigation.
Anonymous commented
Daily COVID death counts do not match the daily graph??? Why is that?
Anonymous commented
Daily COVID death counts do not match the daily graph??? Why is that?