I would like to suggest that the AZDHS stop passing regulations that leave my wife in agonizing pain!
My idea is that our government try an intelligent way to stop the "opioid epidemic." I understand that you absolutely do not care about people. You're here for your own agenda. Everyone with a brain in their head already knows that.
I would suggest, however, that if you don't want more dissent, more anti-government anger, and more homeland terrorists, you make an effort to stop ******* off your constituents. Sitting in a hospital where doctors refuse to prescribe proper pain medication, watching my wife writhe in agony and ***, because you idiots can't regulate your government effectively, simply infuriates me.
You are a poor excuse for an organization and your actions are ONLY hurting. They're not even touching the heroine issue. Your "opioid epidemic" is not even a majority of prescription medication issues.
You people make me sick. You should be ashamed of your actions. You should be left like my wife, and so many other people's loved ones, laying in agony. You should be made to watch your children scream in agony without relief because of your own empty, politcally motivated rules. You should be left to lie in unending agony with the worst of pain conditions until you wish you were dead.
Then, maybe you would see what your lousy lawmaking has done.