Donation box on application for Medical Marijuana Fund
On the application/ qualifying patient checklist, at the bottom, close to the payment section, there should be a section for donations to the Medical Marijuana Fund. In this section there should be boxes to check for $2$,$5, and other. There should also be a way to specify how you want the fund spent, if you have a special request for their disturbution or want them to help a specific person.

Anonymous commented
I just made a donation to this fund asking it be used for Legal Defense. Any patient arrested for marijuana offenses are entitled to an affirmative defense and funding for attorneys to help you is needed. After all AZDHS is using millions of dollars from the patient/caregivers to defend the multiple lawsuits brought by the dispensary folks. The patients are left out in the cold with no guidance or help and these arrests are mounting up if you watch your local news.
Anonymous commented
There is over $5 million in the mmj program fund. There is no need for donations.
ron m commented
i agree, there has to be a donation effort of some kind. it's the law, however these funds are derived from fees, fines and levey's. this provision is solely in the hands of the the director of the azdhs. the intent of this provision is that these funds are meant to help implement the medical mj program. staffing, overtime, equipment etc. maybe the director decide it necessary to help fund some STATE university study or mmj research on behalf of the mj community of AZ, that maybe too noble for our director but it could happen. anyway donation's would be in order mr humble, think of it as a way to help fatten the azdhs coffers for your rainy day fund or something. after all the dispenseries would have had a had in these fund raising efforts also on behalf of our fledgling mmj program. the AMMA is a wonderful document full of compassion for the patient community and a financial benefit for the state via azdhs but they can't see it for all the contempt for the law, it's blinded them from seeing the wonderful possibilities the AMMA provides. i had hoped the director would have designed his own program and hired state employees to task the medical marijuana registration program. personally i think this should be the first point of attack from our indistry reps. azdhs must be held accountable to hire state employees to run our MMJ program not pay it some consulting firm. the AMMA was writtten by and for the citizens of arizona, not some fancy consulting firm we don't need. arizona has some of the best software or computer analysis in the business, why not use them to design the state id card registry program? why. mr humble knows that by assigning a contract with an outside agency ' that controls', he can accept god knows what sort of entitlements from this fancy little arrangement provision in which measly you nor i are privy to. yeah we all know how this game is played mr humble but you forgot onething, we have legal watchdogs here looking into things of this nature and from where i sit arizona stinks with corruption already. read the AMMA again mr humble, you must hire state hires to run this particular program. to the lawyers out there read it again. at a time when we need to be creating jobs, mr humble decided to punch that cause in the gut by hiring a dam consulting firm. it steals jobs from capable state workers, **** get ASU STUDENTS AND UA STUDENTS to design and implement the states mmj program. hmmp, help them pay these ever increasing tuition fees. you see mr humble the truth will bare witness to your efforts to keep this program for yourself and no one else so long as your the director. do yourself a favor now and get rid of this consulting firm when their term is up or you may one day have to do just that.