The other side of the story
I sympathize with the many issues of addiction and have worked as a firefighter/EMT for 5 years, and spent 25 years in the pharmaceutical industry. While the voice for addiction is loud, and on every news channel nightly, the plight for those of us with a need for these medications, is never mentioned.
I have a 30 year history of chronic pain and live with it constantly. One adverse event of this is the fact that I can't get through one night of effective sleep.
I follow all of the rules, fill out my contract with my Dr. refill my scripts at the same pharmacy each month, drive 40 minutes and back each month to get my script, and still have been on the negative end of everything from strange looks at the pharmacy, the response from friends who are worried that I am addicted to the meds, TV stories that misquote facts and figures on the issue, and even medical providers filling in for my Dr. who question my use of the meds.
I get 3 pain pills a day, and sometimes that barely touches the pain I have.
As someone legitimately prescribed a pain killer I have been vilified, and made to feel like a criminal.
Those of us that follow the rules are NOT among those dying of overdoses. Most overdoses include another medication, usually a benzodiazpine. Almost 70% of those who die of overdose, get their pills from friends and family, either by asking for them, or stealing them.
I have been through physical therapy, was under the care of a pain doctor for a year, who went through every procedure my insurance would pay for, epidurals, cortizone shots, dennervations, and hyalgen injections. After 1 year he said there was nothing he could do for me. He never prescribed or suggested medication, but said to continue going for that to my primary care physician.
Will someone please tell our side of the story. We are not all addicts, we do everything by the book, we put up with all of the comments, and so-called experts, telling us that we should not take these meds or we will become addicts.
Every day I watch the stories, I see the announcements of the war on opioids. I know that people, including the governor, do not know many of the real facts. I have read through your paper you released that got the governor fired up, and still you do interviews and then the TV stories misread facts and make incorrect statement.
Will someone please be our voice also and let someone that is intelligent, is not looking for govt. funding for new programs, and understands the issues, be heard.
I know there is a problem that can't be ignored, but the whole story needs to be told.
I also watch news stories of deaths related to alcohol, texting while driving, and senseless violence.
We run glamorous commercials of great looking people having fun, and drinking while doing it. We do not want to fight the power of Apple and others when it comes to banning phone use in vehicles, and TV and video games constantly show violence, do we need to start a battle against them.
A bit overdramatic, maybe, but will this email and plea be ignored or be given, an "I'm sorry" response.
Please tell our story also. I would do a story with a TV station, I know they come to you for quick quotes to back up their story direction, but there is no fair balance, the story is not emotional enough apparently for anyone to tell.