NM Patients obtain MMJ card from AZ-Reciprocity
I live 10 mi. east of central az(I'm in ZUNI,NM, east of "Wicth Wells" on hwy.53)- I am 35 mi from St. John's, AZ. I think I should be able to access AZ MMJ Dr's. and Dispencaries. It should go BOTH WAYS, too. I believe I may presently be allowed to visit az dispencaries w/nm lic (and get az lic for mmj from az drs). Please, respond asap-I'm trying to get nm mmj lic. by this Christmas (yeah, good luck to me, unlikely at best)-I have 14 conditions, but would use CHRONIC PAIN, Painful Per. Nuropathy, R. Arthritus....Michael Debatto, 505 782-4870- ***** Thank You

Cardholders from other states cannot purchase medical marijuana from an Arizona dispensary. In order to purchase from an Arizona dispensary, you will need to apply for an Arizona Medical Marijuana Qualifying Patient card. Please read through the patient application instructions and checklist on our website: http://www.azdhs.gov/medicalmarijuana/patients/adult.htm This is also where you can access the link to apply for a patient card.