Your web page for COVID vaccination signup
To say the least, this page doesn't reflect well on your group, AZDHS or the State. Among other things the procedure for entering a birth date is defective - click on the calendar for a list of years and you get years starting with 1 (presumably AD). I finally scrolled forward 1900+ years to get to 1945. It is impossible to directly enter the year. After we got past this your code apparently didn't like Windows 10/Chrome, giving an error message "tablets not supported."
You have had three months to do this! This page looks like it was coded by an intern as their first assignment, or by a programmer pulled out of bed at 3:00 AM and told to have something ready by six, and it was obviously not well-tested (or maybe ever tested).
I'm sure your staff is better than this, I hope they can get back on track quickly. I used to work in IT for the New York State government, and we would never have considered giving something like this out to the public.

John commented
...And if someone from the NY State government is saying this, the AZ website MUST be pretty bad.