Please send this to your superviser regarding any masks being worn during high intensity indoor exercise
I'm addressing the gym benchmarks regarding wearing of mask during high intensity exercise, running, elliptical,all high intensity exercise. I read the CDC information regarding mask wearing during exercise, they recommend wearing masks during walking, not running, or any high intense exercise. While indoor at a gym, it is not safe for anyone to wear a mask, these are not made for ease of breathing or permable during moist situations. It is necessarily for people in a gym to hydrate, they sweat heavily, the potential to be removing the mask too much, moisture inside the mask will while running or other high intense exercise causes the mask to get very moist wet,it is not functional or protective at this point. While your expecting people to do this exercise and can indoors your no functional, protective. Where did you get your facts on this? All indoor gyms are forcing people to wear a mask on a tread. These measures are not correct and your not enforcing any anti viral protective measure if all people in a gym are socially distancing between machines,proper cleaning and ventilation. They can wear a mask when getting off the treadmills to other machines. The benchmark should be changed for mask wearing to be worn by all inside a gym with the exception of running, high intense exercise. Please look at the CDC recommendations on mask wearing your direction at allWear a mask when interacting with other people to minimize the risk of transmitting the virus. Wearing masks is most important when physical distancing is difficult and when exercise type and intensity allows. Consider doing any vigorous-intensity exercise outside when possible and stay at least 6 feet away from other participants, trainers, and clients if unable to wear a mask. If possible, wear a mask when walking on an indoor track or when doing stretching or low-intensity forms of yoga indoors. Wash your hands before adjusting your mask - review information about proper use, removal, and washing of masks. It is not wearing a mask while running. It shouldn't be stated also that if you have trouble breathing with a mask while running you should consider exercise outdoors. people are wearing mask outdoors for hours, in high heat for hours,it should be worn if you can't socially distant. all your direction for mask wearing seems to be tailored to your own safety needs not any facts to support the safety of masks under certain conditions, ridiculous direction. I'm a retired Medical surgical RN worked in a hospital in NY for years. I did it all so don't tell me that your authority, focus is about facts, in this case it is not.