I am very upset to learn that maricopa's health dept's benchmarks for getting rid of the masks are impossible. Zero cases or 40% vaccine is
I am very upset to learn that maricopa's health dept's benchmarks for getting rid of the masks are impossible. Zero cases or 40% vaccine is ridiculous. You are taking away our FREEDOM to be adults and choose. I have yet to read any study in the support of masks except in a hospital setting. Your data is completely hyped and you should start looking at Twitter @hold2llc who is a data analyst taking your raw data and actually putting out the right numbers. You're department is a disgrace to the scientific community with an agenda of fear and panic. I will never trust another expert. Change your benchmarks for masks immediately!

Jay B commented
I just read that the other day also. I AGREE! Zero cases for 28 days?! - What a bunch of morons. And I also drilled down to read the actual studies (not the opinion of the "rapid reviewer" - (Aiello 2012)“Statistically significant findings were not observed for the face mask only group when compared to the control group. ...no substantial reductions... ...did not provide a benefit...” Either they didn't read their own justification, or they did and just hoped we wouldn't - either one is inexcusable! And of course no one there will respond. But keep trying!