How to end Covid-19 deaths
Governor Doug Ducey,
Guam has had over 600 cases with Covid-19, during a period of a little more than 2 months, WITHOUT A SINGLE PERSON DYING, and Vermont has gone more than a month WITHOUT A SINGLE PERSON DYING. I would like to see your state of Arizona, with a Republican governor, be the next state WITHOUT A SINGLE PERSON DYING from Covid-19. I believe that this can be done by checking to see what Guam and Vermont are DOING RIGHT, like what therapeutics they are using and HOW SOON they are being given to someone who has tested positive for Covid-19; and then doing the same for your state.

Jay B commented
Interesting question. Too bad we don't get exact cause of death of everyone, but looking at what demographics we do see - it's not about therapeutics or miracle drugs, or vaccines… it's seems to be about age, chronic medical conditions, population density, pollution, and MOST IMPORTANTLY about personal health. Healthy people aren't dying from this (despite the rare special cases plastered all over the media to scare you).Good for Vermont, Montana and Guam. I know that's an unpopular opinion because it puts responsibility back into our laps instead of the government's...