Specific Data
These charts don't show patient death data. For example, was the death CAUSED by covid, or was it the straw that broke the camel's back? If someone has leukemia and dies, but happened to have covid, is that marked as a covid death? Would that be marked as a flu death if they had the flu instead but also fought leukemia? Your data is a mess. You should be tracking obesity, diabetes, and any other condition that is representative of overall physical fitness. Underlying conditions are one thing that is not under the patients control, but we need to see conditions that are preventable. The US is one of the most obese countries on the planet, this should be taken into consideration.
Also, your ICU data is misleading. The data does not separate between ICU bed use for other issues, it just lumps it all together, but the context is looking at covid. You are making people think that the capacity is only being used for covid cases, which is not true. You have millions of dollars of tax payer money. I'm not that smart and I spotted these issues immediately. I'm sure a smart person would find even more issues with your data. Sort yourselves out, this is embarrassing.