Show hospital bed use/available as a stacked bar graph rather than percentage graph
The way hospital bed usage and availability beds is shown, as percentages available/unavailable, doesn't reflect on the fact that the total number of beds has been changing with time. People can find that information by hovering over a bar for a particular date, but it is not immediately obvious how the total number of beds has changed over time. If this was displayed with the number of beds used on the bottom bar, and the number of available beds on the top bar, it would be immediately apparent how the total number of beds grew and when.
For instance, the chart for ICU beds shows that on 3/27/20, 62% used and 38% available. By hovering, one can find that there were 741 ICU beds in use, and 458 ICU beds available and by doing the math that adds up to 1199 total ICU beds in the state. On 6/25/20, the chart shows that there were 88% of ICU beds in use, and 12 % available. Again, by hovering, one finds there were 1480 ICU beds in use and 209 ICU beds available, or 1689 beds total. What this doesn’t show is that the number of beds in use on 6/25 was greater than the total number of beds available on 3/27/20. If this was presented as a stacked bar graph, that would be immediately apparent. While the ratio of available to used beds would be visually apparent, the actual percentage number of used/available beds could be shown when hovering over a particular date on the graph.