Please add hospital status to daily summary (like testing results were added)
It was helpful when testing became "newsworthy" to add numerical testing summary to daily Summary page on the dashboard - thanks. I suggest now that hospital capacity is newsworthy, that this be added to summary, e.g. for 6/23
Inpatient Beds ICU Beds
Non-COVID-19 4435 891
COVID-19 2270 581
Remaining Available 1120 200
This is similar info to the helpful "overlay" graphs in the last two briefing slide sets. It summarizes data from "Hospital Bed Usage and Availability" and Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics" pages from same system, and sets aside the "Hospitalization" page information from a different system with significant time lags, which makes comparing confusing. This is going to get more newsworthy I'm afraid since we seem to have been adding about 100 COVID ICU beds per week for some time, and only 200 left...(from same data, but delta per week might be too confusing to explain though and charts make trends clear for those who venture past summary.