Data on confirmed covid cases - EPI chart
Confirmed cases by day seems to be manipulated data. I have been tracking your EPI chart and the number of cases increase (which is to be expected) but also decreases (which doesn't make sense). For example the bar chart for April 29 peaked at 417 on May 6th but on May 7 dropped by 36 to 381. The cases continued to climb to another peak of 398 on May 14 and then dropped to 387 on June 5th. This anomaly happened again for tests recorded to the following dates: 4/30, 5/3 (which had a high of 305 on May 7 and a low of 151 on June 5). This also happened on 5/5. This did not happen on 5/7 and 5/10. I have not been tracking every day but it happened frequently enough to make me question your numbers...... Maybe there is an explanation but I can't think of one... Perhaps you can tell us why this happens?