Raw data download
Can you please make the raw data behind the maps / tables downloadable (e.g. per county numbers for tests, cases, deaths, etc)
Anonymous commented
It is a real shame that this is not available. Arizona is one of the few states that at least do present the data on when cases/deaths/tests actually happened vs being reported, and it would be very useful to have this data in raw for to analyze and understand reporting delays.
Anonymous commented
Yes, Allow those of us who wish to slice the data differently the change using downloadable raw data. The web page is good, but being able to combine data differently to provide data for our HOA members would be helpful.
Tony Blunt commented
Yes, please publish daily the tabular data behind the graphs.
Anonymous commented
Anybody has experience of how to extract the raw backfilled data from the ADHS Tableaux server? Naively, you could go over the graphs by hand and write down the data for each day. You would have to do this every day because of backfilling of data.
Otherwise, please make underlying data available.
Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Anyone know how to file a FOIA request?
Anonymous commented
Are you going to update the Zip Code Calendar?
Anonymous commented
100% agree! This is essential information and a public resource.
Anonymous commented
100% agree!
Anonymous commented
How do we get clear information for re-opening protocol for an Arizona Business, ATMECS, Inc in Tempe AZ. We would welcome a checklist of operation PPE necessary to order now for Fall, Hopefully, re-opening our office.
AP@atmecs.com -
KP commented
Agreed. I go through the 'Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Day' graph every day to track how the new daily cases reported are distributed over past dates. The only way to do this right now is hover over each bar, one-by-one, and get the number of cases for that date. If I miss a day, there's no way to get that historical data to compare the change over time. At least having a download would simplify the process for having that data to usefully review it for trends.
Robert Andrews commented
Raw data of providers is here... http://azdhs.gov/licensing/index.php#databases Can't we have something similar for CoVid data? Even a weekly export would be helpful.
D. Main commented
100% agreed. Now there appears to be an attempt to hide the fact that infection rates are increasing.
Conor Kingston commented
This would not only be useful for data analysis, but it would increase basic transparency.