Review of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 data before daily post
Your COVID-19 daily cases page is a steaming pile of dung, daily swapping of numbers well past what should be a 2 week lag period for reporting and/or test result delay time. I have watched routine edits to the numbers from day to day as far back as early march, often these adjustments drop a case one day only to put it back the next day. Today (16 May) you actually place 2 cases into 9 May 2007, well before the outbreak began. These errors of data entry shows that you need to either smack the person doing upside the head or have someone else REVIEW the data before you post it. For legal and moral issues the latter is likely the better choice, but failing to do that leave the data your providing as questionable at best, and at worse points to some ineptitude that could be used by those who wish to discredit the seriousness of this issue