your reported death numbers chartdon't match your daily numbers
If you are going to report death numbers each day, maybe make sure the death chart matches those numbers. YOu are reporting an average of 20-30 death each day and yet your chart show 2-3. Data Integrity?

Andy Ellarby commented
I agree. I keep a spreadsheet and I track new cases, deaths, and tests. The chart never show anything remotely accurate and nothing correlates. I have my own graphs showing the cases rising. I track new cases to new tests and they are rising also. You would not think this by looking at the charts.
Marti Salvato commented
Right? It's crazy making stuff for Arizonans. This insistence that their bar graph has to show a declining death rate, because OPEN BABY!, doesn't instill me with much faith that I can go back to work or see my 99 year old mother or visit with friends or spend money. Which is what I think they want me to do. Isn't it?