Too expensive
I believe the cost of $300 is too much.

InPain commented
$300+ spent every year to just be legally allowed to access my medication. Then you have dispensaries charging $20 per gram! Some dispensaries offer $15 grams as their cheapest stuff. My ex neighbor use to sell it to me for $6/gram because he knew I needed it. Why, are drug dealers more ethical than dispensaries and the government? This program is specifically for the people who NEED this, not just because we want it.
Anonymous commented
the ADHS must know that $300 is to pay the $150 for an az certificate plus the $150 to get the prescription. really.
Anonymous commented
my illness gets worst every year never better. why do I have to get re-evaluated each year? between your fees and doctors fees, the cost is 300 plus. I cannot afford the medication now.coming up with the rest is a challenge.
Lynda Carver commented
the process of renewing shouldn't be so hard, jumping through all the hoops just to get legal was already done the first time around, now we have to pay again for a doctor to okay our use because of chronic pain and is just too expensive, WHY????? this is not what it was set up for, helping people who need alternative medication, and also the price these dispensaries are charging is awful, who can afford it???
Anonymous commented
When I applied for my card, the exam was done in the back storage room of a Head Shop in Kingman. Two card tables with folding chairs were squeezed in between shelves filled with cleaning supplies, mops and broom. It was filthy dirty. It felt disgusting, then I had to turn over some big money. This business is so very UNPROFESSIONAL and cost way too much. Not only for the card but also for the marijuana medication. They are called non-profit, however I have seen ads for Dispensary office managers making as much as $100,000.00 year (FOR WHAT?) that looks pretty dang profitable to me.
Anonymous commented
$150.00 is too much to pay the state for their MMC initially, and more still for a renewal!!! When is the state going to give discounts for renewals?? it was made mention of in the beginning of the program?!?!?!?!
Anonymous commented
I agree with Brett, there should be a cap on the Dr.'s visit for everyone as you do not have all doctors participating in this state law who do business in Az. We have few choices of a Dr. authorization. That is $150.00. I do not personally know a single person who receives food stamps who is also able to afford the reduced, from $150.00, $75.00 fee for licensing.
This law was in truth voted in for disabled/ chronically ill persons. I have not found any entity licensed in this state in the MMJ industry who has been willing to help me, a disabled chronic pain sufferer, to lower the cost of participating in this program. So what is the state doing to help regulate or bring the costs associated with doctors and dispensaries, because their costs make it impossible to participate in a program designed for chronically ill people, to an income based COST of medicine?
Brett means the 150.00 doctor and the 150.00 state fee.
The state will have to "encourage" the NON-Profit dispensaries to align with the state in lowering low income disabled persons cost of quality medicine.
Shawn Jensen MMJ card holder