COVID-19 Death Data
Summing up the deaths by day from the chart gives a greater number than the reported total deaths.
As of 4/22 there is a difference of 32 deaths.
Why the discrepancy?

Crdavis commented
So this is the issue and where they aren’t being transparent the daily death number gives all deaths reported that day including recategorized death certificates (people who they suspect died from COVID before we were testing and those who died with COVID, A-systematic People who died with but not from COVID are also counted in daily deaths) but the bar graph does show only actual deaths today! It’s dishonest and adds to fear. Look at today 7/30 there are 68 deaths under New COVID-19 Deaths Today but bar graph Shows 2 actual deaths so the other 66 deaths are recategorized example: man drops dead of heart attack later found COVID-19 IN his autopsy so now he is a COVID death or a recategorized death certificate! Very dishonest
Rick Dwyer commented
And on 4/30 the listed total is 320 but when you add them up, whether adding day by day or week by week, it's 317
tk az commented
is there a reason the *** death total (275 on APR 26) does not equal the sum of the daily totals (269 on APR 26)? I understand that you are now restating prior counts, but even the updated counts sums do not match.