Make actual daily data in available in csv format
Your site is becoming slow and increasingly incomprehensible. Could you provide actual daily data in csv/txt format? Having to rely on web scraping sites to get your data is ridiculous, and entering data by hand is tedious. Providing this data should be a trivial task.
Anonymous commented
I 2nd this! As an analyst with the VA I review your data dashboard every day. A CSV file (or files) of the lab tests completed, and a running total, by county would be very beneficial. Also the running total, by county, of confirmed cases would be helpful. The Johns Hopkins site has this available for the entire nation in CSV format.
Don Samuels commented
I would like a csv file as well so that I can either scrape or manually download. Colorado stores daily updates on google drive, that would work.
Anonymous commented
Yes, I would like to be able to download data too. Currently, I have not found any other source for Arizona testing by county. Now, I have to click on each county separately to get testing data. Thanks!