Include Additional COVID-19 data now!
AZ STATE GOVERNMENT: I hope the state of AZ provides more explicit and detailed covid-19 data on Arizona'z covid-19 website. Though you allowed additional data starting 3.29.2020, the website is among the least informative to state residents. As you know full voluntary participation by Arizona's residents is the goal aimed at shortening the rise to the spread of COVID-19. We need to see at least demographics; of active cases, town/cities considered hotspots, hospitalizations and discharges, along with fatalities. Let Arizonans see understand how their participation (behaviors) in "stay-at-home", "social distancing", "handwashing", and wearing a mask in crowded grocery stores during a virus pandemic actually leads to helping front line responders and aids in their own healthy outcomes (personal/family safety). They deserve to see the information. Please add the information now. Thanks 4.7.2020