CDC Protocol
I am wondering why the CDC protocol for preventing the spread of the covid-19 virus does not include disinfecting or swapping out shoes before a person enters their house. The two most common points of contact with surfaces is via the hands and the bottom of shoes (and with each step taken there is even more contact with the floor surface). Droplets from sneezing, etc. will eventually come to rest on floor surfaces and be picked up on the bottom of shoes and transferred to other surfaces such as house carpeting, etc. This is especially important with children and pets playing on the floors and then transferring the virus to other surfaces via their hands or pet paws. When disinfecting, a room the floor is always mopped with a disinfectant and surgical teams wear booties over their shoes. So why doesn't the CDC protocol address this issue?
Also, why is there not more information on the handling of food? For instance, washing a banana with soap and water before peeling it so that the microbes are not transferred from the peel to the banana once it has been peeled.