It would be FANTASTIC if you actually listed your email address instead of posting links to services I don't use.
Your phones are down. I would very much like to help a family obtain a death certificate but I cannot because I need to change the location of the doctor's office who is going to sign the death certificate. I can't do that by myself because apparently I am not an adult, so I have to call to have someone else do it. The problem is that your phones are down. So I tried to email. The problem with that is your email address is a state secret, so I have no way to get in contact with you. It would be great if your email address was posted instead of users having to subscribe to services in order to get in contact with you. I would almost think that the State of Arizona has a contract with those providers to exclusively list them as the only means of email contact. I really hope this is not the case. I apologize for the tone of this message, it's just very frustrating to have families calling me, very upset, yet there is literally nothing I can do for them. I can't do anything until I can get in contact with a person there - and at the moment that is impossible.
So please, list your email address. It shouldn't be a secret.
Thank you.
Thanks for your feedback. We apologize for your inconvenience today. The phone lines are now working properly. Please call back.
We also do have a vital records email contact at the bottom of the page It’s in the light gray box under email us questions/comments.