Abuse of the public market. The cost for vital records, death , birth certificated is too high.
Find another vendor that is less than $5.00 ( not $11.00) for online vital records documents and decrease the cost of the AZ document to $12.00. This service must get under $20.00 where it is not a financial hardship to patrons for this public service! Joyce A. Brown 15Jan2019
The Arizona Bureau of Vital Records offers several different methods to obtain a certified or non-certified copy of a birth or death certificate including mail in applications, online applications or expedited services applications. Please note that online or expedited services applications are offered at an additional charge.
Normal processing fees for a certified copy of a birth or death certificate is $20.00.
Normal processing fees for a non-certified copy of a birth or death certificate is $5.00.
Please visit our website located at www.azdhs.com for eligibility requirements for these types of certificates.
Walk-in services are available at are available at your local county health department Office of Vital Records. Please visit your local county health department website for locations and service fees.