Allow people to cultivate if the have a card to use, Dispensary are robbing people and some can not afford there prices.
Please appeal the 25 mile radius, the only thing that is helping is the pockets of the owners of the Dispensary. I have a close friend go to his appointment to get his medicine. Needless to say he could not afford it. and the smile on the dispensary owners on the news tell everyone there here to help. There right help there bank account. At this time al medicine is donated.They should of give this man, that has his card to use his medicine for free it did not cost the the dispensary nothing. (75%) of card holders are disabled on limited income. How are they going to afford the dispensary prices there robbing people. We need to do what other state do and allow cultivation and drop this 25 mile radius. There again benefits dispensary. we was able to take care of the poor and sick before these dispensary opened up. all this is going to do is cause more problems were you can buy your medicine on the street cheaper than going to dispensary. Please help the poor and less fortunate out and let them grow it them self or let there caregiver grow it and just give it to them. Thanks for letting me vent we need to do something about this it is already starting to cause problems.
Voters passed the so-called “25-mile rule” when they passed the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act. It would most likely take another initiative to change.