Costs are not clear on the certificate of death and stillbirth certificate.
Please be more clear about the costs so I know how much to send in.
What if want it to be sent by regular mail? What is that cost? Do I add the$10 processing cost plus the mail costs? If I want two copies is it $10 each or $10 total?
I suggest that you have two separate boxes or lines
1. Processing Cost of $___ for each (or is it for as many as we want?)
2. Shipping cost
Regular mail
Expedited (and list all the categories)

The website for the Arizona State Office of Vital Records is:
Once you are at that website you can select “Death Certificates” on the left side of the page. From there you can select information on fetal death and certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth. The information will tell you who is eligible to apply and also includes the form to complete to apply.
When you apply directly to the State Office of Vital Records the fee for one copy of a fetal death certificate is $20.00 and the fee for a copy of a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth is $20.00. The certificate fee includes the cost of sending the order by regular mail.
If you were trying to place your order through a third party provider for expedited services (e.g. VitalChek), that company charges additional fees for processing and for UPS delivery. VitalChek can be accessed through the State web site listed above but unless you are in a hurry to receive the certificates, you can order from the State Office directly for no additional cost.