Woman's Right To know is filled with medical lies. Abortions are 100% safe. "Womans Right To Know" is just another attack on wom
Our website was designed using research and reviewed by experts inside and outside the department. No medical procedure is 100% safe.
Anonymous commented
Are you familiar with 16 year old Rosa Hernandez, who was refused Chemotherapy for her Leukemia? They also refused her abortion so she could get the Chemotherapy she needed. She also died.
Anonymous commented
Also: regarding using the word, "expert". I can walk right into your office, introduce myself as a heart surgeon. This doesn't actually make me one. Try to focus on facts and truth, rather than your own emotion and wishes.
Anonymous commented
Then look in the mirror, because you will see an active liar. Abortions are 100% safe when done by an MD. There has never been a single instance of a Woman's death from Legal Medical Abortion. However, the reverse is not true. Lack of abortion services kills women, or are you not familiar with the recent life and tragic death of Savita Halappanavar, who was recently murdered by having her abortion denied against her own will as a human being.