ATM at the Hana dispensary 2905 Northern Ave. Kingman AZ is stealing from patients.
This dispensary has so many problems with their ATM that they tell people to call ahead to verify it is operating. Tonite, 10/10/2017, the dispensary's ATM deducted $203 from my bank account and printed a receipt for no money dispensed. The position of the dispensary owners is that it is not their problem that the problem is with a company called Eclipse (800-390-0996) there is no one on duty but a voice mail indicates if you are the owner of the business, or an unhappy customer, call the bank and report it to them don't call the company that owns the machine. Interesting, I thought dispensaries operated as a cash business because banks (that are FDIC) will have nothing to do with them. Where does the cash come from? The dispensary shown above evidently loads the ATM with their own cash as I saw them do when I advised of the theft so why do I have to have the fraud division of my bank get involved? What kind of business is this? I will. Be contacting other authorities with this matter.