I would like to see a list of winners of the Medical Marijuana Dispensary Lottery
Right on the front page of the Az Medical Mariajuana website there should be a list of dispensary licenses that have been granted, and their opening dates.
After the initial opening of dispensaries ... the list should be kept up to date as dispensaries go out of business or start up a new one.
ADHS posted a list of the application numbers that were awarded certificates on August 7th. The information is on the Medical Marijuana Dispensary website. http://azdhs.gov/medicalmarijuana/documents/dispensaries/dispensary-registration-certificate-allocation-results.pdf
Because of the confidentiality in the law, we are not allowed to release any specific information about the dispensaries except to cardholders.
Lee Warren Finson commented
I am a cardholder how do I get more info?