Arizona medical marijuana rules?
All I would like to know is why is it that the clubs that are open (CareGiver clubs, patient to patient clubs) have to stop when dispensary open? When in the rules. Qp30: wher can I legally obtain marijuana if I'm a qualifying patient qualifying patients can obtain medical marijuana from a dispensary ,the qualifying patients designated CareGiver, another qualifying patient or From home cultivation why do these rules change? ......when us people in pain have to give up a rights to grow just to a dispensary opening up and you guys say you don't want to go against the voters? Can we change the rules on the 25 mile law that's far for some with no car.these plants help me and its free what's better then that and since I started growing they make me want to get up check on them I can walk a lil better just from keeping me motivated I think everyone else would say the same just askin for some help and to keep my rights to grow Thank u for your time

It woud take another vote of the public to change the law for the 25 miles. ADHS does not have any control over that. As far as the clubs you mention, they are not addressed in the law.
The law only addresses qualifying patients, designated caregivers, dispensary agents and non-profit, medical marijuana dispensaries.
Anonymous commented
Bull **** Will... funny how you can change the 150k rule for dispensaries so that any scam can fly who is lining your pockets? You have all the power you need to go and fight for us, the people who cannot afford or are unwilling to support a monopoly. I hope your sued when we all start suing the state for forcing us to purchase our meds from a dispensary. When we are incarcerated unconstitutionally just for where we are located. Making one person a felon on one side of the street while the other side is legal for same action. This will be interesting. I hope you find a new job you are about as worthless as any other paid crony. Really pathetic, to watch you bend over for the mega money people and hide from the ones who are in need. Hope you can sleep at night. We are not stupid, your so transparent.
Justin commented
And yet, does the law not state that when Dispensary's open, any patient-to-patient facilities must cease and desist?