Deny Dispensaries Service!!
Does the Department of Health of Arizona have the ability to DENY services to applicants in Arizona?
Many patients in Arizona suggests the Arizona Department of Health services DENY all applicants for dispensaries until the UNCONSTITUTIONAL "25 Mile Rule" is repealed or changed.

As mentioned previously, the voters passed the 25-mile rule in the initiative.
PKMills commented
We neeed to repeal the 25 mile rule. Sure it was in the legislation that was passed, but how many people actually read, or for that much, could understand the legalese language that it was written in? Plus, as others have stated, dispensaries are extremely expensive. We can grow our own food, flowers, and herbs - why not another natural substance that will help untold numbers with ailments that limit and prohibit quality of life? Lets get the politics out of this and put int he human factor that includes compassion!
Isaac Smothers commented
So, how much will I be bled before I die?
D. Cassidy commented
ADHS you did NOT answer the question!
Can the Department of Health DENY service to dispensary applicants?
West Valley Meds commented
Yeah.... A teen can borrow moms credit card and order a brew at home beer kit......but we have to shop at a monopolized, over priced mmj dispencery...even if its a 24.5 mile drive from my house.....what's next....can only buy tomatoes at specific tycoon owned markets..??
Isaac Smothers commented
Equal protection for all not some, please.
Anonymous commented
I don't want Starbucks, I prefer to brew my own
Pixidustr commented
Must I throw out my coffee pot and be forced to buy it at Starbucks? How absurd is that? But that's what the 25 mile rule effectively does. Why must I be forced to buy my medicine for hundreds of dollars when I have invested in the equipment to grow my own at a fraction of the cost? I'm 58. I don't want to spend my last years wrestling with a cellie named Big Rhonda.
Anonymous commented
Great idea. Spending money at a dispensary is out of the option for me. On a limited income.