What are you doing to promote the Medical Marijuana Fund?
Hello Mr. Humble,
I've been reading your blogs and I really appreciate the opportunity to post a suggestion. I want to make a donation to the Medical Marijuana Fund and you are the agency that is in charge of that. Where do I send my money and how will you be using these funds once the checks start flying in. I know the program needs funds and I want to help patients who cannot afford their cards even at the discounted price of $75.00. I would be more than happy for my funds to go to veterans and elderly patients who are on a fixed income.

At this point, ADHS is not accepting donations under the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act.
Anonymous commented
Why are you saying you are open to accepting donations to the Medical Marijuana Fund when in a letter sent to me last month (March 2013) you indicated you will not accept any private donations at this time. Why are you ignoring the law and refusing to take donations? This is contrary to the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act and you are derelict in your duties.
Debbie Lee Brown commented
You never answered his basic question. How does he donate?? If you have a program you are complaining about not getting any donations, And won't tell people how to give donations, how do expect to get any. I'm helping people in this area Michelle. So far I helped a Lupus patient to get her card. I'm in the process of finding a disabled vet and getting enough to help him or her. Contact me with a way to contact you, also spreading the word for me would help. Donations are coming in very slow, because all I have is youtube to get the word out. I'm just a old disabled women who was lucky enough to get my card. I want to help others that need it too.
Debbie Lee Brown commented
How are you planning on get the word out about this program so that you DO get donations. Nobody I've talked even knows it exisits???
Debbie Lee Brown commented
How can someone get registered to receive the help from the fund? My friend has lupus and really needs a card, but has no money. Is there a list or an on-line registration for them?
link commented
I am not really sure why you would want to donate anything to DHS at this time... They are doing everything in their power, with the help of Jan Brewer and Tom Horne to stop dispensaries, clubs, etc from opening and giving people a SAFE and LEGAL outlet for obtaining their medication. Even though it was something the state voters approved. Sure, i guess patients can grow their own medication at this time, but there are several flaws in this view... not everyone has the space to grow. not everyone lives in a place that will allow them to (apartments, rentals, etc). The patient does not have the money to pay for the startup costs in growing MEDICAL GRADE marijuana. Some patients just don't have a green thumb or physical capability to produce that medicine. Most novice growers will not look for things like bugs and also might develop mold on their medicine if not properly cured, etc.
This is where dispensary/clubs play a huge part in helping people obtain the medicine they RIGHTFULLY DESERVE to heal themselves with. They can't just overturn the law this time, so they will do everything in the meantime to destroy it without doing so, like filing judicial reviews and it wil continue until they can figure out some way to stop the entire program all together...
It starts with stopping dispensaries, then going after 'clubs' as they want to call them, and now going after some doctors... What is next? Its going to be caregivers and then patients, etc. DHS has no intention on helping the patients who need this PROVEN BENEFICIAL medicine and if you think they do, you are kidding yourself. Humble has been against it from day one, even though you would think a person like him would take ACTUAL medical papers, research and studies that point out the benefits of marijuana and how they cannot find any REAL negative effects from it, that he would have a different view, but this is not the case. They eat up the propaganda from the past and its burnt into their minds.... PILLS ARE GOOOOOOOOD!!!! NATURAL MEDICINE BAAAAAD!!!!
I would say keep your money for now and actually donate it to people that will actually stand up for the people they supposedly represent instead of only doing so when it fits THEIR personal or career agenda. Maybe one day they will wake up and find some decency in their hearts and actually try and help the people that employ them.