We need more practical legal information.
Why isn't there any further or more detailed information on the AG's move against the legally passed proposition? Why IS he doing this, do we pay him to exercise and spend our time and money fighting for and pursuing his own ideals? We need to know what our state government is up too, after all,... they do work for us. This info could help a patient decide whether or not to even disclose their condition to the state because we could all be gathered up as co-conspirators if the AG succeeds in convincing our voters that AZ will suffer "Federal retaliation" , such as highway/infrastructure funds, water treatment plant credits, basic census based monies, dept of education, you name it. California is a prime example of what can happen when a state relies too heavily on those funds. Will the Fed take a less conservative position "nowadays" due to the need for revenue AND prison beds wasted on small time marijuana dealers and users who faced a 3rd or 4th charge.for simple possession. There are those in our state government who would kick and beg for the chance to expand Arizona's number of prisons and prison bed capacity, because each bed brings $4700 a month into the bank accounts of out of state owned privatized prison owner/operators
On one side we have the Az State Hotel industry's crying "we don't have enough (right).money to assure humane treatment, and need more beds, on the other we have totally empty pods which are closed due to the privately owned company's refusal to staff up and meet the staffing requirements and open these pods instead of building new facilities because the new law will reduce the number of beds wasted on pot users and small time hoodlums who will most likely go out of business, especially if the AG gets their way and all the growers and dispensaries are owned by out of state conglomerates, instead of doing what part of prop 208's intentions of reducing the number of small but illegal pot dealers, and therefore reduce the likely-hood that our kids will be able to score and experiment with pot in our own neighborhood or our own street.
I dunno, but I do know we have a say as to what the AG does on our time and as to whether its counterproductive to his duties as AG for him to preoccupy himself with the "task" of overthrowing and repealing what the voters clearly said last year, instead of investigating the liability we're facing for the steadily increasing body count of Mexican nationals in this state. Which do you think is more important?

Please limit your comments on here to feedback about the Department of Health Services. You may want to send these comments to the Attorney General’s office for response.