Cell phone application for Diabetes Management
To Whom It May Concern;
I am writing you concerning a wonderful, easy, effective and user
friendly I-Phone application for type 1/type 2 Diabetics and persons above their BMI
for age/*** wanting to reduce their chance of developing a metabolically based disease.
The phone application guides patients to select better foods based upon their G.I or G.L,
(Glycemic Index or Glycemic Load). The application however is very effective because the
foods are grouped by similar "FLAVOR". Hence the accomplished goal of Lowering the A1C to 6
is achieved by preserving the majority of "FLAVORS" which the person enjoys eating. Please
review the product website, I can provide the study and results obtained for the product.
My goal is to combat the epidemic of metabolic disease by the simple use of a cellphone
application. Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you;
Colin Ross MD PhD MPH
CEO Teaching The World International Incorporated
P.O BOX 572
Chula Vista, Ca 91912
Phone: 619-518-1508