Please make the forms so that a current patient can change his/her form as soon as possible.
Being a brand new program with the rules very hard to understand at first, many people I know of made mistakes in the way they initially filed for their patient or caregiver card. Please make the change forms available as soon as possible so that these cards are actually usable. I, for one, am in pain every day and would benefit greatly from medical marijuana, but find it impossible to get it or grow it myself without making a change to my card. Please help to alleviate my and others pain by making a change form available to the public.

At the point you were requesting it, each change had to be made individually and took quite a bit of staff time. The Change Application Search is now available under the Patient Application. We appreciate your patience and hope that the new function will make the process easier for all.
We anticipate that the Medical Marijuana Program online change feature to be available in the next few weeks. In the interim we are honoring requests for individuals that may want to change their cultivation status or to add/designate a caregiver. You may contact us at This email account is monitored continuously for custom issues. Thank you for your patience as we continue working diligently to launch the change feature.