Patient Education Brochure
The ADHS needs to put together a Patient's Guide to what they can and can't do under the AMMA and share it with the public, law enforcement and the media. In light of multiple arrests in Gilbert the police seem to be totally uninformed that MMJ is legal in Arizona.

Anonymous commented
Additionally, Many "Patients" are being treated like lower class citizens, by dispensary Staff. We are not Customers/Clients/ Consumers we are Medical Patients. Staff needs to have training in "Patient" Compassionate Care. NOT JUST Card Carriers who smoke marijuana too. All the information you have is only about opening a BIG MONEY MAKING Business to grow and dispense marijuana.. STOP the Cheech & Chong Atmosphere Patients HAVE RIGHTS please address them for the public & as a reference for Patients and Dispensaries alike. Many of us are being ABUSED and mistreated.
Anonymous commented
Address our rights as Patients too. Dispensaries seem to be conducting themselves like Walmart cashiers and not Medical Facility Staff. Rush in Rush out ..take you money.. get rich and who cares about the Patient. Without Patients there would be not dispensaries. There has to be MORE than just CAR Holder rules...Patients have Human rights TOO
Magic Melvin commented
I did read the rules for patients/caregiver cardholders. I know of a few instances where there is flagrant illegal dealings going on. I alerted the local police department and they say it's a DHS issue. I always thought the police enforced the law, not the DHS. Maybe I am wrong.These are plants and Marijuana being sold outright and they claim protection because they hold a legal MMJ card.
- commented
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Président -
Thanks, but we aren't interested at this point.
- commented
Monsieur, Madame
Nous venons par la présente auprès de organisation sollicite le partenariat avec votre institution,
Nous tenons à vous informer que notre ONG Association d’Entraide Médico-Sociale travail dans le domaine de la santé et de développement figure sur la liste des ONG dotée de Statuts Consultatifs auprès de l’ECOSOC des UN.
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