Brochure on Patient's Legal Rights
In light of the police raid this week on a Gilbert resident who was handcuffed and treated like a criminal when he was a registered ADHS MMJ patient, how is the Dept. of Health going to notify the police department on how to first check the registry to see if a patient before they come to your home with a warrant and a full SWAT team?
Link to the article:
Mr. Humble you need to get together with our Attorney General and clarify for the patients and caregivers are to be treated respectufully and lay out their rights to possess, manufactur, deliver, cultivate if requested on ther application) and inform the police across the state that we have the
Arizona Medical Mariuana Act and patients/caregivers are up and running with over 5,500 registered in the state. Also inform law enforcement about how to access the registry database which patients have paid a pretty penny to help finance this and why are the police uninformed about this?
It's your job to make sure the program works for the patients and the caregiver which are protected by AMMA. Remember the dispensaries are in moratorium for the time being and patients are the ones that need their medicine and the Grow Your Own Model will work but the police have to stop arresting patients!
The system was set up in the law passed by the voters; section 36-2807 specifically says law enforcement can only check the numbers on a card. ADHS established a secure, password-protected, web-based verification system for use on a 24-hour basis by law enforcement personnel. ADHS notified law enforcement agencies on April 06, 2011, explaining how to register for the online validation system. The AMMA did not give law enforcement the ability to search for names. Because of what the voters passed, there is no way to change the access except through legislation that furthers the intent of the voter initative.
Thread merged with this related topic RE: Patient Brochure:
June 20, 2011
I posted a comment last Saturday to have information for patients as well as law enforcement and I come back today and you wiped this suggestion off your website. Why are you censoring this section which you opened up for feedback? I am confused as to how a tax-payer funded website can censor public comments.
- AnonymousJune 20, 2011
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