I have the most difficulty with the Percent Positive number. From the Tracking Project numbers I calculate percentages of over 14% compared to the DHS number of less than 10%. Even using numbers from the DHS Summary I calculate 11%. That is why I watch the trends and have little confidence in the absolute numbers.
I collect data from a couple sources one is USA Facts (https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map/) and a second is the COVID Tracking Project (https://covidtracking.com/). The absolute numbers vary although a few do agree. The important values are the trends.
I have the most difficulty with the Percent Positive number. From the Tracking Project numbers I calculate percentages of over 14% compared to the DHS number of less than 10%. Even using numbers from the DHS Summary I calculate 11%. That is why I watch the trends and have little confidence in the absolute numbers.