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  1. Fix data dashboard English Summaries to English. Appears to have summary blocks erroneously labeled in Spanish

  2. Data Dashboard chart numbers do not at all agree with the summary numbers. We can't tell if cases are spiking higher or decreasing to zero!

  3. Additional information about race/ethnicity breakdown re: Vaccine Administration (

  4. I have not been able to get the Covid 19 Data Dashboard recently. Has it been discontinued?

  5. Would you consider adding the Covid R-naught number to the Data Dashboard (statewide and by county)?

  6. tried to schedule appt for covid vaccine. Put in dozen dates with response of no slots available. Just tell us when dates ARE available!

  7. Please display the deaths and infection data as a rolling average instead of just a "scorecard" or cumulative,

  8. I would like to see the data broken down in age ranges more specific than 65 and old.

  9. The tables are in Spanish on your English data dashboard. Please fix and have someone proof read before going live.

  10. Have the appointment page SAVE ALL DATA so I don't have to retype every time I try to schedule!!!

  11. Please add the date and time of the most recent update to the Coronavirus home page each time new data is added

  12. Can you highlight (light grey box) the last 7 days of COVID cases so that we know which data is still in flux?

  13. Make it easier to scroll on the page, and provide weekly data on COVID-19 tests, cases and deaths by county in a graph.

  14. Your site will not let me register an account. It keeps putting up a notice to enter correct data, which I have tried several times.

  15. Great job in a complexity of detail. While there are more ways to slice and dice data, I applaud what you have been able to do!

  16. I want to be able to punch in a zip code, and see two things; [1] data, [2] a map showing the zip area and the surrounding zip areas and co

  17. How can I tell if my wife & I got scheduled for a test on Feb. 8 @ 4:12 at Phoenix POD. I went thru all the data and then my computer loop

  18. Please respond to at least some of the Covid-19 posts

  19. Individual CV19+ test results from the same individual/patient should not be counted as individual confirmed cases.

  20. Antibody testing?

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