Raw data download
Make data available for download
Separate data from Serology versus PCR tests.
Display COVID-19 data by residence community
Make COVID19 Raw Data Downloadable (with history of uploads)
Covid data reporting
Making COVID RAW DATA spreadsheet available to the public
Report COVID-19 testing from all sources and not just DHS.
Data in the graph COVID-19 Deaths by Date of Death is wrong
COVID19 data no longer accessible
Is there a way to download the data from a COVID dashboard
Daily covid-19 death chart
historic zip code data
make data dashboard work
Website Data is Suspect and Potentially Meaningless
Data Dashboard for COVID-19 -- I absolutely love it!!!! There is an error.
clarification of operating dispensary · completed
Add "Scroll down to view data" to Data Dashboard display
Please provide historical graphical data of new COVID-19 cases, deaths and tests
Update the COVID Data Dashboard to Accurate Percentage